Our Mission

Pull up a chair

We are a small, local nonprofit creating beautiful table spaces for women of all ages and backgrounds to authentically connect here in Lubbock, Texas.

The Delightful Table is an invitation to draw near to God and experience His lavish love and delight alongside a community of women.

The Beginning

It started with a vision of gathering a group of women of all ages and backgrounds together to feast around a beautiful, intentional table, but it didn’t take long to realize that God had bigger plans for it than we first imagined.

Although The Delightful Table is in the very early stages, the immediate response from women like you made us realize we need each other, now more than ever.

But we don’t just need another community.

We need an intentional, hopeful community.

We need a safe place where we can gather together to be real and authentic, to take the masks off and be known in a deeper way.

We need a space where truth and encouragement are spoken over us and we use our time together to build one another up and cheer each other on.

We need a place for a spectrum of women from all age groups can gather to learn from one another in powerful ways.

And that is why the Delightful Table was created:

to nurture hope through authentic connection


If you are longing for this type of community,

we’d love for you to join us.