True Freedom Rings
Watermelon juice is steadily dripping down my kids’ bare bellies, our water hose is working overtime in the backyard, and the excitement for popping fireworks is palpable.
I love Summer.
The slower pace, the extra time with my kids, the added adventures, and (of course) The Fourth of July festivities.
With each passing year, it seems the cost of our freedom as a nation becomes weightier to me. I have a fuller understanding of the sacrifice that was made by moms as they watched their children give their lives for this freedom we get to celebrate.
Freedom always costs something.
It is true for us as a country, and it is also true for our freedom in Christ.
The Cost of Freedom
Before James (the older, half-brother of Jesus) writes about the Law of Liberty that we get to experience, he addresses what it cost through the cycle of sin.
“Each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desires. Then desire, when it is fully conceived, gives birth to sin. And sin, when it is fully grown, brings forth death.” James 1:14-15
Sin always brings death.
We see that from the very beginning of creation when Adam and Eve were in the garden, and God told them that disobedience would lead to death.
It’s the reason that God initiated the sacrificial system in the Old Testament - an animal sacrifice to cover sin.
Throughout all of Scripture, we see that sin will either cause us to die, as James describes, or it will require a death in our place.
Mercy Triumphs
The Good News?
We are not left there in the bondage and death that our own sin created.
James 2:12-13 says, “So speak and so act as those who are to be judged under the law of liberty…Mercy triumphs over judgment.”
This law of liberty is his death in our place to cover our sin.
His mercy triumphs.
Freedom Worth Celebrating
In Him, you are free from the penalty of sin along with the bondage of its weighty guilt and shame.
Your freedom has been fully purchased on the cross. You are covered completely - the very definition of redeemed.
So rejoice in your true liberty, sister. Celebrate with everything in you for His lavish love and kindness towards you.
Lord Jesus, we praise you that it is for freedom that you set us free.
Thank you for paying the high price for our sin and granting us true liberty.
Would you help us stand in the victory you have
already won for your good glory?