Consider the Wildflowers
Have you noticed the wildflowers lately?
I’ve always been drawn to the beauty of a wildflower - a tiny masterpiece in the most unlikely of places. Wild and free, growing without the help of human hands.
It’s no wonder the phrase from Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6 is so often quoted.
“Consider the wildflowers”
It’s cute, concise and a reminder of why we don’t need to worry so much. But if it were really that easy, wouldn’t more of us be.…less worried?
The wildflowers point to a much bigger truth
Jesus often used tangible objects to teach spiritual truths, so I imagine the scene of Jesus teaching Matthew 6 in the cool of a Spring morning on the side of a hill sprinkled with wildflowers while birds sang their praises in nearby trees.
He says to them,
“Therefore, I tell you, don’t worry about your life…Consider the birds of the sky. They don’t sow or reap…yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than they? Can any of you add one moment to your life span by worrying?…
Observe how the wildflowers grow: they don’t labor or spin…If that’s how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and thrown into the furnace tomorrow, won’t he do much more for you- you of little faith?…
But seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.”
(Matthew 6:25-33)
The dainty little flowers spread across the field are meant to remind us of His character, care and provision.
Are you not much more valuable?
Anxiety and worry steal our joy, distract us from living the way God has called (and equipped) us to live, rob our peace and threaten all hope for the future.
Jesus knew that when our focus shifts away from the goodness of His character, it only causes anxiety and worry.
So He re-centers us by drawing our attention to the care and provision of even the smallest things in creation and poses the most reassuring question,
“Are you not much more valuable than these?”
A tangible reminder of bright hope
Let the wildflowers preach to you.
“Focus your attention on God’s faithfulness and provision in this present moment, not a future worry. God’s abounding love for you is steadfast and immovable. He cares deeply for you. He will provide exactly what you need, and He will sustain you because that is who He is.”
We can lay all of that worry at His feet, and trust His perfect care and provision over our lives, even when it doesn’t look like we thought it should.
After all, if He cares for these tiny creations - these little dainty flowers dispersed across the open field or breaking through concrete on a worn sidewalk, how much more does He care for you - the crown of His creation?